Monday, August 18, 2008

PJ Remix - the best album design tool in the world

Designing today's cutting edge albums without the right tools can be challenging at best and at the worst time-consuming. The best tool I've found for creating albums is PJ Remix, created by the hip & cool kiwis at Photojunction. You could spend hours using the "align layers" commands in Photoshop, or use PJ Remix to take all the work out. I love PJ Remix.
After you've created an album, do you ever sit back and say to yourself, "I really love the look of this album,"? Well, if you used PJ Remix to create it, simply save any or all of the album pages as templates so you don't have to reinvent the wheel the next time.

You ask, "What's the best part about using PJ Remix?" The PJ Remix gurus actually listen to your suggestions and provide excellent customer service.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Web Slideshow Software

Chris Moseley Photography uses SoundSlides to create our slideshows for the web. Quick and easy - a fantastic program.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What camera should I buy?

Not a week goes by that someone asks us, "What camera should I buy?" Honestly, there are too many variables to be able to make a recommendation without diving deep into conversation with you about what in the world you're going to do with your new camera.

Personally, I love the Canon 5D, but I'm not sure everyone wants to spend $2500 for the camera body only (no lens, no flash, no memory cards).

Your best bet is to go to DP Review and do your homework. Start with the Buying Guide to figure out what cameras might be recommended. Who knows, you might end up with a Canon G9 a favorite p&s (that's point & shoot for you home gamers) of professional photographers.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dallas Wedding Photographer / Wedding Photojournalist

We've had so many questions from other photographers about the types of gear we prefer, the programs we use and our work flow that we've created a blog to help educate the wedding photographer professional.

If you are interested in the portrait or wedding photography provided by Chris Moseley Photography, go to see the latest or visit